What we do &
how we do it
DECIDE is a decision-making consultancy led by specialists in
organisational decision making and risk mitigation.
We work with our clients to explore current decision-making practices and challenges. Gathering data through various available channels such as surveys, observation and discussion groups.
Thereafter, working alongside the client and their partners to design and implement behavioural solutions and systems (see case studies), measure their effectiveness and adjust where necessary.
Solution Implementation can include facilitation, digital learning solutions, train the trainers or tailor-made immersive experiences.
Our services
in a nutshell
End-to-End Consulting
Decide offers end-to-end consulting to diagnose decision challenges through decision audits, propose solutions, test solutions, design small to large scale rollouts of solutions and deliver them in conjunction with our partners.
Decision Audits
Decision making in an organisation is the product of people, processes and the place, which all interact in a system. Applying a quick fix to solve a particular issue usually results in further problems down the road.
By auditing or examining decision making efforts within the unique context of a specific organisation, we are able to pinpoint the underlying causes of poor decision outcomes.
Such an audit focusses on three areas that expose the strengths and weaknesses of employees’ decision making alongside the organisational influences that affect the implementation of those decisions namely; decision yield, effort and quality.
Implementation of Solutions
We design blended, geographically dispersed organisational learning through online and group activities to deliver solutions that improve decision quality throughout your organisation.
Case Studies
The Challenge
Every company is a decision-making factory and these decisions determine, not only the success of the organisation but public perception of it.
All pharmaceutical companies have extensive codes of ethics and patient-centred practices, so standing out in this area and making a real change is a challenge.
We worked with Company P, a global pharmaceutical wanting to change negative perceptions of the pharma industry in the market by making a tangible difference in the way they worked from the top down and the inside out.
The Challenge
X inc is one of the world’s largest manufacturing organisations. They already had a fast and frugal decision-making process that allowed them to keep up with a rapidly changing consumer environment.
It was all about being agile and disruptive, overcoming deadlocks and widening the bandwidth of their decision makers to ensure they weren’t bottlenecks in a VUCA environment. Within this strategy decision makers did not have to take the time to explain their decisions to subordinates.
This eroded trust between colleagues as decisions could be taken unilaterally with little consultation. They also didn’t need to speak to people they knew would challenge them and so slow them down, even if these people were the experts.
The Challenge
The B Team is a very successful investment team based in Cambridge however, at the time of working with them, only two team members (the old hands) had experienced a significant and prolonged negative market event such as the tech bubble bursting and subprime housing crisis.
Their investment process had been built in fairly benign market conditions with a team that worked exceedingly well together.
He worried that they were getting too comfortable with each other’s views resulting in a lack of robust challenge.